Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday Flash 55: Mill Tree Conspiracy

A branch caught the hem of her nightgown as she bolted from the woods. Leaves tore at her hair as she dipped too late beneath the Pine just beyond the Gum. One single root exposed from the Weeping Willow snapped her limbs at the edge of the water. Falling like timber landing between the twisted trunk of the Cypress she lumbers.

Friday Flash 55: Telling the story falling at exactly 55..Check it out at G-Man where you can join in or just plain sit a spell and read the others.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Magpie Tales

You can check out my Magpie Tale


Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday 55 Good to the Last Drop

My first attempt at Friday 55! Lot's of fun you should try it! Just follow the link to

I cannot tell where you're coming from

If I'm not sure where you've been

So share with me for just a while

And we may find we're kin

Just accept this cup of friendship

Stir me in with some time to brew

And we will solve our problems

Drowning out all but me and you.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New Breeze

I haven't blown through here in a while now but I've started reading so many great writers who post on Blogger that I decided to come by and dust the place off a bit! It's so much easy to comment this way! If by chance anyone should find my quiet place just know it's just a resting spot so I don't post a lot here but who knows the wind may be changing! Also check out Jingle's place she's got some really beautiful awards for June!

You can find my other posts at My Alabaster Box.